Sunday, January 28, 2018

Cement Chipper Cat

First part of fixing up the basement floor is smoothing out a cement ridge left over from removing a wall some years ago. The rent-a-chipper is basically a little indoor jackhammer, and real fun! but the chips and dust go EVERYWHERE.
Ear protection is a must, not for the noise
Arthur wants to use the cement chipper,
but he has no thumbs
so much as the chips. How they get in the ears I have no idea. Tarping everything is a good idea but some of the dust quantum tunnels through, I guess. It's a mess, but I'm paying myself to do it so I can't complain about the wages. The cats don't like the noise, but Arthur and Ginny are curious about the power tools when they're off, and Arthur really does seem interested in playing with them.
AFTER TALKING IT OVER WITH CAT CO-PARENT Nessa Hudson: I should have locked the cats upstairs while working on this. They won't wear respirators and while they fled during the noisy part, some came around during break and cleanup and may have breathed dust. Plus concrete chips might be crunchy like bugs and that would not be good for them. We lucked out, it was a small job and no-one seems harmed, but I would do it differently. (Sometimes it really helps to have a cat co-parent who thinks about these things!)

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