Monday, December 31, 2018
Saturday, December 29, 2018
Is This The Best Thing You Could Be Doing With Your Time Right Now?
Life is short. The internet can enhance it by letting us connect to many other people, but it can also lead to negativity and quarellsomeness. The day I learned I could just walk away from a pointless argument - not necessarily with a troll, but with someone emotionally committed to arguing for the sake of arguing and not really interested in exchanging information - was a good day.
Friday, December 28, 2018
Thursday, December 27, 2018
Arthur Sounds The Alarm
I was taking a break from mopping and cleaning when I heard a warning howl from the kitchen. Arthur was calling to me with his voice that means there's a problem. The problem: The floor was wet, and he thought that was a problem. I don't know whether my cats are becoming more alert or whether I'm becoming more aware of their ways, but it seems they are alerting me to more things these days.
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
Today I should have been at work
Today I should have been at work, helping taxpayers get their refunds or make orderly payment arrangements on their debt.
Instead, I was on Facebook along with 400,000 or so fellow Federal workers, wondering if shutdowns are really the best way to settle our political disputes.
This was good for my cats, not so good for the taxpayers.
I have an idea: let us who do the work do our jobs, and you who set policy figure things out through the political process.
This has been my Ted talk.
Instead, I was on Facebook along with 400,000 or so fellow Federal workers, wondering if shutdowns are really the best way to settle our political disputes.
This was good for my cats, not so good for the taxpayers.
I have an idea: let us who do the work do our jobs, and you who set policy figure things out through the political process.
This has been my Ted talk.
Ginny Printercat
Ginny, batting at the printer as it made warm-up noises, hit the touch screen enough to start making 30 copies of her butt.
I stopped it and explained to her that she first had to open the lid.
Tuesday, December 25, 2018
Blogging Leftovers
I spent much of this lovely quiet Christmas day blogging about this past year, based on photos and essays I'd previously loaded into Facebook. I prefer having my memories here as well as there.
I also dined well on leftovers from yesterday's party. I may not have to buy more food for a week!
Happy holidays!
I also dined well on leftovers from yesterday's party. I may not have to buy more food for a week!
Happy holidays!
Monday, December 24, 2018
Everybody dance MERRY CHRISTMAS!
In my new Meowmas Cat hat (thank you Sharon Cline !), Christmas aloha shirt and Meowmas Cat socks, partying at Kat Kirby and Brad's Christmas Eve.
If the picture is a bit fuzzy, it's due to Kat's special holiday drink!
If the picture is a bit fuzzy, it's due to Kat's special holiday drink!
Saturday, December 22, 2018
Friday, December 21, 2018
Shortest day of the year still has light
Every day I try to take one picture of beauty or of humor.
Today at the bus stop I saw a star (or perhaps a planet).
Today at the bus stop I saw a star (or perhaps a planet).
Thursday, December 20, 2018
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
Arthur is a good cat, but ....
Arthur is a good cat, but his habit of nuzzling when I'm trying to sleep and his whiskers tickling my nose gives me sympathy at last for my ex's who hinted about much the same thing
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
December 18: Holiday Party at Whiskey West
Toastmasters Club 832 (West Seattle)
[Missing Victoria who was holding the camera, and Jenn who was out sick)
[Missing Victoria who was holding the camera, and Jenn who was out sick)
Monday, December 17, 2018
When you run out of gift wrap because the present is so big
While the joke is season appropriate, actually this image is the house of my neighbors, and it'll be nice with the new siding. It's interesting to see what goes under, too.
Sunday, December 16, 2018
Catalytic Paralysis
There's nothing really wrong with Catalytic Paralysis. Just wait it out. You probably need a nap anyway.
(Yes, I've posted this image before, but making it into a meme makes it funnier.)
Soft Serve Squid

Saturday, December 15, 2018
Power Outtage From Last Night
Friday, December 14, 2018
Thursday, December 13, 2018
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
2018 World Peace Through Law programs that I produced
January 31, 2018: Paving the Way for Peace: Civility in the Legal System
In these challenging times fraught with conflict, social injustice, and polarized political discourse, we need leaders who practice civility and foster peace. Civility calls upon us to approach issues with self-awareness, respect, and humaneness. Instead of silencing voices or maintaining the status quo, civility creates the understanding and compassion necessary for an inclusive and diverse dialogue.
In these challenging times fraught with conflict, social injustice, and polarized political discourse, we need leaders who practice civility and foster peace. Civility calls upon us to approach issues with self-awareness, respect, and humaneness. Instead of silencing voices or maintaining the status quo, civility creates the understanding and compassion necessary for an inclusive and diverse dialogue.
Because we rely on our justice system to prevent and resolve disputes, when members of the legal profession lead with civility, ensure a more equitable process that affirmatively enhances the experience of all the parties, results in better outcomes, and builds public confidence in the justice system.
In this session, we will review the ways incivility harms us personally and impedes justice. We will discuss how practicing civility complies with the Washington State Rules of Professional Conduct sections 1.1, 1.2, and 3.5. And because civility, like peace, begins within each of us, we will then focus on strategies for nurturing within ourselves a practice of civility. By practicing civility, lawyers and judges not only promote the interests of justice, but as leaders in their communities, they also model ways to engage in challenging discourse to obtain greater understanding, resolve conflict, and pave the way toward peace within the greater society.
Tim Jaasko-Fisher served as Assistant Attorney General for 11 years, litigating at all levels of the justice system in Washington State, from administrative tribunals to the Supreme Court. For 8 years he was the founding director of the Court Improvement Training Academy at the University of Washington School of Law, and then for four years he was a Senior Director at the Civility Center for the Law, a private, non-profit dedicated to promoting civility in the legal system and based at Seattle University School of Law. He continues to facilitate, present, and consult internationally on leadership, civility, and engaging groups in complex problem-solving.
May 25, 2018: African Asylum Seekers in Israel: Historical Context and Current Status
This program addresses the history and current status of African refugees in Israel. There are approximately 38,000 refugees from African countries residing in Israel and seeking asylum. Israel has not responded to most applications for asylum and has considered mass deportation. The purpose of this talk is to educate about the sociopolitical evolution of the current situation and recent events. In addition, the program will provide an overview of international law principles that apply to refugees in Israel, as well as domestic law within Israel that has shaped refugee status and rights.
Attorney Tomer Gutman clerked in Southern District of California Federal Court then joined Worden Williams LLP, where he focuses his practice on trust administration, litigation, business and property. Previously he served in the Israeli Defense Forces and also founded the San Diego branch of the youth service organization Friends of Israel Scouts - Tzofim.
Attorney Tomer Gutman clerked in Southern District of California Federal Court then joined Worden Williams LLP, where he focuses his practice on trust administration, litigation, business and property. Previously he served in the Israeli Defense Forces and also founded the San Diego branch of the youth service organization Friends of Israel Scouts - Tzofim.
His coloquitur Oded Oron was born and raised near Tel-Aviv and worked as an Editor at Ha’aretz and as a Consultant for Israel’s Government Press Office.
July 10, 2018: Anatomy of a Genocide Investigation and Prosecution: Solving the murders of 8,000 men and boys from Srebrenica, Bosnia
In this CLE, attendees will be taught how war crimes cases are investigated and adjudicated. Learn about:
In this CLE, attendees will be taught how war crimes cases are investigated and adjudicated. Learn about:
· Phases of the investigation – field work, exhumations, document analysis
· Challenges parties face in investigating war crimes cases
· Using evidence gathered in the field to litigate cases of genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes at trial and on appeal
· The work of the International Criminal Tribunal of the Former Yugoslavia.
Stefanie Frease worked for 15 years on international criminal investigations in the Balkans, Asia and Africa. She was a researcher/investigator and Special Advisor to the Prosecutor for the UN’s Yugoslavia Tribunal in The Hague, The Netherlands. She was a lead member of the investigation in Srebenica. She initiated the Darfur, Sudan investigation for the International Criminal Court in The Hague and later consulted on matters related to political violence in Kenya and the Ivory Coast.
Attorney Kyle Wood worked as a trial and appellate prosecutor at the International Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia for 10 years and has helped investigate allegations of mass atrocities committed against the Rohingya in Myanmar. During his time there, Mr. Wood helped litigate six Srebrenica-related cases involving 13 soldiers, political leaders and police officers charged with genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity. He is now an Assistant Washington State Attorney General in the Criminal Justice Division.
August 27, 2018: Space Law: Pursuing Peace Through Law
Space law was catalyzed by the 1957 launch of Sputnik I by the former Soviet Union. Faced with an unprecedented technology capable of placing nuclear weapons in space the world’s nations had a choice: law or war? They chose law. This presentation will briefly describe their choices and how they resulted in international and national space law.
Space law was catalyzed by the 1957 launch of Sputnik I by the former Soviet Union. Faced with an unprecedented technology capable of placing nuclear weapons in space the world’s nations had a choice: law or war? They chose law. This presentation will briefly describe their choices and how they resulted in international and national space law.
Professor Joanne Gabrynowicz has been teaching space law since 1987 at the Univ. of North Dakota and the Univ. of Mississippi. She was the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Space Law for 12 years. Prof. Gabrynowicz is an internationally recognized expert who lectures around the world including at University of Vienna, University of Warsaw, Beijing Institute of Technology School of Law, China University of Political Science and Law, and Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Currently, Prof. Gabrynowicz serves on three U.S. Federal advisory committees and is the recipient of numerous awards and honors. Most recently the International Astronomical Union recognized her work by naming an asteroid after her.
October 5, 2018: Climate Rights: Defense of Activists and Climate Justice
In this special presentation by Climate Defense Project, this program will focus on the legal defense of climate activists both within and outside Washington state, particularly as it relates to movement lawyering, political trials, and justification defenses. Topics will include professional aspects of representing activist-clients. Finally, the presenters will touch on issues of climate injustice and Indigenous rights, as well as the pursuit of complementary legal strategies by the climate movement.
In this special presentation by Climate Defense Project, this program will focus on the legal defense of climate activists both within and outside Washington state, particularly as it relates to movement lawyering, political trials, and justification defenses. Topics will include professional aspects of representing activist-clients. Finally, the presenters will touch on issues of climate injustice and Indigenous rights, as well as the pursuit of complementary legal strategies by the climate movement.
Alice Cherry and Ted Hamilton are staff attorneys at Climate Defense Project, which they co-founded with Kelsey Skaggs in 2016. CDP is a legal nonprofit that provides advice and support to the climate movement in the United States and internationally. CDP has been active in promoting the climate necessity defense, which climate protesters increasingly use to defend themselves in court. In 2017, CDP helped secure the first two written rulings recognizing a protest defendant's right to present the climate necessity defense at a jury trial.
Alice Cherry and Ted Hamilton are staff attorneys at Climate Defense Project, which they co-founded with Kelsey Skaggs in 2016. CDP is a legal nonprofit that provides advice and support to the climate movement in the United States and internationally. CDP has been active in promoting the climate necessity defense, which climate protesters increasingly use to defend themselves in court. In 2017, CDP helped secure the first two written rulings recognizing a protest defendant's right to present the climate necessity defense at a jury trial.
In 2014, while students at Harvard Law School, Alice and Ted spearheaded the first lawsuit seeking to compel a university to divest its endowment of fossil fuel stocks. Their work has been reported on by the New York Times, ThinkProgress, Forbes, and The New Yorker
November 6, 2018: New Developments in the Law of the Sea
- Brief introduction to the Law of the Sea
- Legal developments in the Law of the Sea
- Challenges and issues currently developing in the Law of the Sea.
Eden Charles, former Ambassador to the United Nations from Trinidad and Tabago, brings almost 20 years of expertise in negotiation, international law and multilateral diplomacy, not only as Ambassador at Trinidad and Tobago to the United Nations but also including appointments such as Lead Negotiator for the Member States of the Caribbean Community, Lead Negotiator of the United Nations Diplomatic Conference on the Arms Trade Treaty, and Chair of the Preparatory Committee for the conclusion of a new international legally binding agreement under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity beyond areas of national jurisdiction. He is on the line with us today from his office in Trinidad.
Eden Charles, former Ambassador to the United Nations from Trinidad and Tabago, brings almost 20 years of expertise in negotiation, international law and multilateral diplomacy, not only as Ambassador at Trinidad and Tobago to the United Nations but also including appointments such as Lead Negotiator for the Member States of the Caribbean Community, Lead Negotiator of the United Nations Diplomatic Conference on the Arms Trade Treaty, and Chair of the Preparatory Committee for the conclusion of a new international legally binding agreement under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity beyond areas of national jurisdiction. He is on the line with us today from his office in Trinidad.
Sunday, December 09, 2018
Stephanie Tilmon Art
This great iron-wood-and-fiber art by my neice Stephanie Tilmon is now on my wall and you can have one like it from her etsy
Celebrating Dorina Muresan's new job
...with a bunch of coworkers and family at Salty's Redondo. Let's stay in touch! — with LaTasha Barron, Steve Holmes and Dorina Muresan.
Saturday, December 08, 2018
Thursday, December 06, 2018
Vestigial forest at work
OK, it's really just a tree in a planter shot from a low angle. But it could be the last remnant of the mighty giants here only 200 years ago, or the beginning of a new forest
Wednesday, December 05, 2018
My big plans today will have to wait
I got Wednesday off work to mourn the passing of George H W Bush, about whom little need be said.
I did get a few things done around the house, including important family time demanded by Arthur and the other cats.
Tuesday, December 04, 2018
Evaluating My Life So Far
To evaluate my life so far
Make a few suggestions
End with an example that seemed especially good.
As with other evaluations
First, I will discuss the purposes of the project
Then, mention some things that worked well Make a few suggestions
End with an example that seemed especially good.
What is the purpose of life?
I don’t know
I lost the manual
Can we assume from the scanty evidence
The purpose at least in part isTo be happy
(because to be unhappy seems perverse)
And help each other be happy
Can we assume from the scanty evidence
The purpose at least in part isTo be happy
(because to be unhappy seems perverse)
And help each other be happy
The first thing I did that was good was be born,
Eldest boy in a family with 10 children.
My dad was a millworker in Everett
Depressed, alcoholic and angry
(I don't know what happened in the war)
This meant money was short
This made us frugal.
Eldest boy in a family with 10 children.
My dad was a millworker in Everett
Depressed, alcoholic and angry
(I don't know what happened in the war)
This meant money was short
This made us frugal.
I like being frugal.
For example, rather than buy lunch,
I like to make lunch in the morning
The moving meditation of chopping a salad
Lightly microwaving a piece of salmon
Assembling and packing it
Starts my day with an act of creativity
That saves me a bundle!
I like to make lunch in the morning
The moving meditation of chopping a salad
Lightly microwaving a piece of salmon
Assembling and packing it
Starts my day with an act of creativity
That saves me a bundle!
One thing I did especially well at the age of 13 was
Run away from home.
Not by hitting the streets
As one sister did
(Very dangerous!)
I fled to the Catholic seminary
Now a great park in Kenmore
Where I lived well by my standards
It had its downsides
They constantly bombarded us with notions of public service
As means of escape it worked
The education and friendships last.
Run away from home.
Not by hitting the streets
As one sister did
(Very dangerous!)
I fled to the Catholic seminary
Now a great park in Kenmore
Where I lived well by my standards
It had its downsides
They constantly bombarded us with notions of public service
As means of escape it worked
The education and friendships last.
At my first job as a junior computer programmer
An old guy told me
"Automatically deduct the maximum from your paycheck
Toward your retirement
You won’t miss it
You will adjust your lifestyle to your take-home pay"
An old guy told me
"Automatically deduct the maximum from your paycheck
Toward your retirement
You won’t miss it
You will adjust your lifestyle to your take-home pay"
It was true
I never saved a penny from my paycheck
There is always something important to buy
But 25 years later
When I wanted to buy a house
My automatic savings had grown a downpayment
More than enough for a home with mother in law apartment
To generate income into retirement.
I never saved a penny from my paycheck
There is always something important to buy
But 25 years later
When I wanted to buy a house
My automatic savings had grown a downpayment
More than enough for a home with mother in law apartment
To generate income into retirement.
Listening to that advice
Let me not only live happy
But also help family and friends with housing now and then.
Let me not only live happy
But also help family and friends with housing now and then.
There are some areas in which I can offer myself
Suggestions for improvement.
Suggestions for improvement.
I let myself be overwhelmed with obligations
Personal and professional
Because I don't like to say "no"
Shall I list the disasters that ensued
Because I did not delegate?
This meeting only goes to 7:30
As Club President this year
I resolved to volunteer for nothing myself
Until after asking everyone else
If I keep bugging you to do things
That's on purpose.
Personal and professional
Because I don't like to say "no"
Shall I list the disasters that ensued
Because I did not delegate?
This meeting only goes to 7:30
As Club President this year
I resolved to volunteer for nothing myself
Until after asking everyone else
If I keep bugging you to do things
That's on purpose.
Another thing I might work on:
I get married a lot
3 times
So far
I suggest replacing the impulse to say Yes
With Ah, or Um
Perhaps a pregnant pause
Poor choice of words.
I get married a lot
3 times
So far
I suggest replacing the impulse to say Yes
With Ah, or Um
Perhaps a pregnant pause
Poor choice of words.
As my friend Jenn so eloquently wrote
It is good to be single
I could work on that.
It is good to be single
I could work on that.
One of the best things I’ve done was listening
3 years ago at the Fauntleroy YMCA
You know Adela as our past club president
I knew her from the Y
That day I heard her talk with Forrest
”Our club lets you practice public speaking and leadership in a supportive environment".
3 years ago at the Fauntleroy YMCA
You know Adela as our past club president
I knew her from the Y
That day I heard her talk with Forrest
”Our club lets you practice public speaking and leadership in a supportive environment".
A supportive environment
I could use some of that
I broke into their conversation
Who? and when? and where?
That's why I'm here today:
She talked about Toastmasters
I listened
Here we are
Having a good time meeting goals
Helping friends do the same.
I could use some of that
I broke into their conversation
Who? and when? and where?
That's why I'm here today:
She talked about Toastmasters
I listened
Here we are
Having a good time meeting goals
Helping friends do the same.
It is good to fulfill the purpose of life.
-- rewinn, December 4, 2018
-- rewinn, December 4, 2018
Arthur says
This photo (taken during another season) illustrates Arthur's mystification when I awaken him to get his medication. On the weekends I let him sleep in but during the workweek I have to give him his stuff whenever I can, because if I wait until he's fully awake, well, he's real good at hiding out and I refuse to be late to work just because he doesn't like the taste of his Bupronex.
Monday, December 03, 2018
Sunday, December 02, 2018
Thursday, November 29, 2018
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
Imp's Crib
I was going to give away this crib, but it seems to have become a cat bed!
The real reason I have a crib is that Kiara and Nessa were collecting stuff for a friend having a baby, but that was a couple years ago and I think the baby is too big. What I am learning is that it is hard to find someone who wants one of these not fresh from a store, except a cat. Cats are cool.
The real reason I have a crib is that Kiara and Nessa were collecting stuff for a friend having a baby, but that was a couple years ago and I think the baby is too big. What I am learning is that it is hard to find someone who wants one of these not fresh from a store, except a cat. Cats are cool.
Monday, November 26, 2018
Sunday, November 25, 2018
Icing my shoulder while it's 40 degrees outside
It seems odd to be cooling my shoulder off while the weather edges down toward freezing. Somehow it is not the same just to go outside and haul away the branches from pruning the hawthornes.
I am learning to live with the bursitis in my left shoulder and I hope that, with care, ice and ibuprofine, it eventually clears up.
I have friends with every kind of medical problem: joint replacements, cancer, diabetes, the whole company present and accounted for. All I have is bursitis.
But it still seems odd to be icing my shoulder when it's cold out.
I am learning to live with the bursitis in my left shoulder and I hope that, with care, ice and ibuprofine, it eventually clears up.
I have friends with every kind of medical problem: joint replacements, cancer, diabetes, the whole company present and accounted for. All I have is bursitis.
But it still seems odd to be icing my shoulder when it's cold out.
Saturday, November 24, 2018
Carlos the neighbor
You never know who you may run into. It turns out my neighbor next block over is a serious artist who's done some great stuff. I thought he was just a cool guy: http://www.carlosespinozaart.com/Carlo…/CARLOS_ESPINOZA.html
Friday, November 23, 2018
Thursday, November 22, 2018
Wednesday, November 21, 2018
Tiny Berries
These tiny berries (12 to the inch) are under leaves so they are hard for we lumbering apes to see, but more easily found by small inquisitive birds. I saw these Saturday at the Y but post this photo today as part of my daily effort to post something beautiful, funny or positive.
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Sunday, November 18, 2018
Smokehouse Salmon
Another Internet Game
As suggested by Sheryl Cole - Everyone, please play, I want to see your answers! 😁
How many Kids: 0 (just plenty of nieces, nephews and cats so far)
How old are you: over 60, under 600
Surgeries: 0 (how the heck did I get to be this age without any surgeries???)
Tattoos: 0 (not ready to commit, I guess!)
Hit a deer: no
Fell in love: frequently
Rode in an ambulance: no (but we rode on dad's fire truck all the time!)
Sang karaoke: of course!
Rode a motorcycle: yes
Stayed in hospital: yes (only as part of a research study)
Morning or night: both (it was a long study)
Skipped school: no (unless sleeping thru college counts)
Last phone call: DAV friend
Last text from: Another DAV friend
Watch someone die: yes
Pepsi or Coke: Coke, but I don't drink that stuff anymore
Favorite pie: Any (Really!)
Favorite Pizza: Pizza Rustica
Favorite season: Spring
Broke bones: one metacarpal
Received a ticket: yes (and deserved it ooop!)
Favorite color: Green
Sunset or sunrise: sunset (but not green)
How old are you: over 60, under 600
Surgeries: 0 (how the heck did I get to be this age without any surgeries???)
Tattoos: 0 (not ready to commit, I guess!)
Hit a deer: no
Fell in love: frequently
Rode in an ambulance: no (but we rode on dad's fire truck all the time!)
Sang karaoke: of course!
Rode a motorcycle: yes
Stayed in hospital: yes (only as part of a research study)
Morning or night: both (it was a long study)
Skipped school: no (unless sleeping thru college counts)
Last phone call: DAV friend
Last text from: Another DAV friend
Watch someone die: yes
Pepsi or Coke: Coke, but I don't drink that stuff anymore
Favorite pie: Any (Really!)
Favorite Pizza: Pizza Rustica
Favorite season: Spring
Broke bones: one metacarpal
Received a ticket: yes (and deserved it ooop!)
Favorite color: Green
Sunset or sunrise: sunset (but not green)
Saturday, November 17, 2018
Mom's Birthday Party 9/17/2000
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