Monday, March 14, 2016

Catching stride

I am getting the rhythm of the new job pretty well. Although I wish for a better technology Kama that is the case for everyone so we are all in it together. I now know that I can do this for the time that it takes to refinance my phone, and were I to continue through retirement that would be okay. I am now in the happy position seeking to improve my life, not scrambling to save it.

At home I am also working out how to get done that which I must do efficiently. I am learning how to have fun again Colin something that was not on the schedule during the Kris years. I'm at my friend Jonathan at a pub Saturday and we talked about everything and nothing for 5 hours!

Is my second job can take as much time as I like, doing books and so forth. My third  job, 4freeCLE, I had to neglect while working out the first job but am now getting back to keeping it going at some lower-level. All in all life is coming together.

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