Sunday, August 10, 2014

Found Guitar Art at Company

Rainier Guitar - Brian Sykes
My neighbor Brian Sykes had an art show at Company in White Center Friday evening. 
He tells me he was cleaning out his basement and came across an old guitar and some beer labels from decades ago and thought ... what if?
Then he did another, and another. His fiancee talked to another neighbor who runs a classy pub called "Company" that participates in the White Center Art Walk, and it was on!
I don't usually go out on Saturday nights, but this was for a neighbor, so what-the-heck.
I'm very glad I went. I ran into some people I knew and chatted up some people I didn't. The dozen guitars were each different and all interesting. 
I had gotten out of the habit of being social this way but I feel now that it's a habit I'll enjoy getting back into.
Anyone looking into investing in some up-and-coming art?

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