Monday, October 10, 2011

Planted This Week: Cabbage, Leeks, Hellebore and Halloween (#ctww)

We're all recycled, eventually.
Our fine crop of pine needs and twigs is the start of Recycled Hallowe'en, as a grave appears on our front lawn with the cautionary legend "Rest In Pizza"(tombstone material courtesy of the excellent Proletariat Pizza, which is not responsible for the contents of this grave!)
We will all return our carbon to the soil eventually, and if we can furnish a little entertainment along the way, all the better!
I also planted some winter crops. In the back, it's leeks and cabbage, stuck in among the last stalks of the squash, tomatoes and so forth. They are still producing slowly, but will soon give up their final crop and move on to mulch and compost, while the crops that love the cold more have their turn.
Speaking of  "dead" ... this week's Change The World Wednesday Challenge was

"Halloween is coming up so ... this week consider the environmental impact of the treats we give out and offer suggestions for better alternatives. Let's expand on Jen's idea and include parties, costumes, etc."
Planted This Week:
Tiny Cabbages and Leeks
amid the waning of
our summer crops
I was initially stumped on the treats business. I understand that parents want treating to be sealed packages of commercially prepared products, and I'm fine with that. I will try and see if a local chocolatier produces something; there was a time when every locality had its own candy bar but consolidation has reduced us to a choice between Hersey's and Mars. Last week my brother Dan brought us a bunch of Idaho Spuds that would have done nicely, except we ate them all. Maybe we can find something local like Carter's Chocolates in Port Orchard might be ideal, or something even closer to home? This challenge will make me look for chocolate, and that can't be a bad thing!
Meanwhile, we're starting with the decorations. The traditional "yard-raking graveyard" is very environmentally helpful, especially since it'll help us convert our turf lawn into something better. Laying out the graves will help my identify walking patterns through the yard, so I can put down a duff walkway, and come November, turn over the "graves" with my shovel and plant bulbs for springtime. Even the cardboard headstones will become food for worms!
We also planted a hellebore from Village Green Perennial Nursery. Besides the cool Halloweeny name, this plant does well in our climate with a minimum of care and enables us to convert another square yard of sod into flowers!

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