Saturday, June 25, 2011

New York Doubles Gay Marriage; Sky Does Not Fall.

Impromptu the cat reacts
to possibility of gay marriage
"Now that the state of New York has gay marriage, that basically doubles the number of Americans who can be in gay marriages," I said over the morning coffee.
"Well, actually," The Lovely Wife corrected me, "Since New York doesn't have a residency requirement, now any American can get a gay marriage, just by going to Niagra Falls. It's a popular honeymoon spot anyway."
"So, what do you think? Wanna go get a gay marriage?"
"Sorry, you're not getting out that easy. More coffee?"
"Thank you."
Congratulations to the State of New York, which joins Iowa, Massachusetts and most of Europe in becoming just a bit more free. Remember, if you're and adult and not free to marry, then you're not free! Of course, if you ARE married, in some sense you're not free, but at least it was your choice. Having one wife and three cats is a very comfortable set of obligations, and I welcome my gay friends into the family of married people.

1 comment:

Nicki Woo said...

Here, here! Well said! You and your wife are so sweet.

Congrats New York, and everybody who should want to get married at Niagra Falls! :)

Let freedom ring everywhere!