Sunday, May 08, 2011

Planted This Week: Wine Casks and More!

Wine casks pots on our South border,
Gift of our neighbor to the North
The big planting news this week is that I moved the half-casks that Scott & Dolores gave us (they were going to discard them, since they needed to keep their new yard very easy to maintain) to the southeast edge of our paved area. This is the driveway extension that I suppose was supposed to hold our RV, but since we aren't going to have an RV, it makes more sense to convert it to growing space. I'd been using small pots along that line for growing lettuce and suchlike, but these casks fit in very nicely, and are as attractive as they are practical. On of them already has a very lively rhubarb, and two have mixtures of primroses and strawberries; the other two I'll probably put tomatoes in. These were very heavy to move but well worth the effort!
Early this week,
I planted eggplant and kale
Earlier this week I planted some eggplant and kale in the pots that sat where the casks now are; I'll have to find another place for them now - which is a delightful problem to have! I'm also continuing to plant mint along the edge of the parking strip. I'd be happy to have the mint completely take it over, plus or minus some flowers and bulbs, but I want to move slowly so as not to shock the hawthornes. Sometime our trees are inconvenient but on the whole I think they are great contributors to our happy home, so I want to keep them comfortable.
One other plant note: the rhododendron that Scott had to get rid of sat in our blue trash container for almost a week; I kept its rootball moist and covered with a little dirt. Buffalo from the Nature Consortium was going to pick it up, but he wasn't sure when his truck would be available. Today, when I went outside after the Mother's Day Mimosas, I noticed the rhody was gone. Maybe he came by while we were at Pilates, or maybe while we were drinking ... or maybe the rhody ran off on its own; either way, it's going someplace where it'll be valued!

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