Sunday, October 26, 2008

Early Voting Successful and Fun

Yesterday, a bunch of us living here in Seattle's Belltown neighborhood met at a coffee shop to talk over the issues, then walk to the county offices to cast our absentee ballots in person.

This freed us from the uncertainties and vagaries of election day. We all work, so Election Day is always a problem. Some of us take time off to be poll watchers or polling place inspectors, and usually that's some place other than our home precinct.

But throwing an absentee ballot into the mail is no fun; it lacks the drama, civic commitment or magic of assembling as citizens to cast a secret ballot.

No problem! We organized our own Early Voting Party and it worked great! We were open to all persons of any political preference, but we had several things in common, among them a love of coffee and a desire to make our votes count.

We had some fun, maybe made a few new friends, and decided to meet again to party, maybe do some politicking, maybe just have fun. You can too - why don't YOU try an Early Voting Party?

(A shout-out and a thank you! to the staff at the Centennial and the people at the Olympus who supported this nonpartisan effort - it's really cool to build community!)

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