Monday, June 15, 2020

Monday Walk

As we got our morning walk, we saw a house with a dog statue on the roof very similar to the dog on the porch. Perhaps it's an address symbol - after all, dog's can't read numbers.

We also saw a snail at the end of a torchflower stalk, part of the process of disassembly and ultimately new growth.
This seems to be a big year for snails; I don't know whether I'm just around more or whether the weather is helping.
Much of the day I spent updating 4freeCLE; getting thanked by members of the Low Bono Section gave me the reassurance that it might be actually helpful to someone.
We had the usual Zoom Zumba in the evening but otherwise I didn't get a lot of exercise in. I probably waste too much time reacting to Trumpists on Twitter and Facebook.

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