Responding to a reddit inquiry about succeeding in Law School, I wrote:
You must *Know Thyself*: What learning method works best for you?
For example, I’ve found that I keep my focus and retain information by taking meticulous, outlined notes during lectures…and then never looking at them again! Why my brain clings to things I jot down is beyond me, but discovering that made a *world* of difference. If that approach works for you—fantastic! If not—what does? You’ve already made it through undergrad, so reflect on what study habits helped you succeed there.
Now, here’s what worked for me in law school: After my first year (1L), I started using professionally crafted outlines. Instead of creating my own from scratch, I amended them to match the specific quirks and preferences of each professor. **Pro tip**: If your professor brags about personally influencing Congress to tweak Rule 1467(a)(1)(B), you can bet your final exam *will* include Rule 1467(a)(1)(B).
Also, instead of slogging through every single case, I found it *immensely* useful to read the briefs—both for and against. The advocates had already mastered the issues, distilled the arguments, and presented the key points. Back in my day, these briefs were on microfiche, but I’d imagine they’re more accessible now.
If your exam involves written essays, remember that for many professors, it’s about tallying points. Spot the issues they expect, and you earn a point. Write clearly about it? Another point!
My first-year exams were full of beautifully written essays about just two major points, leaving no room for the rest—mediocre marks followed. By my second year, I wised up. I’d literally—yes, *literally*—write 10 short issue headings every 5 lines to identify 10 key points and then flesh out my reasoning - using the physical limitations of space to keep me from wasting precious time. That approach pulled my ranking into the top 10%. Starting with that discipline might give you a leg up from day one.