Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Wednesday Misc

Today's walk took the long hill up to the highpoint. Thanks to the cross streets, which were necessarily level, it was a form of interval training - five or seven steep slogs, with pauses to catch breath. It was definitely work but satisfying when accomplished.
I shopped again for FEEST, this time with Soy. We picked up a whole lot of fruits and veggies at McPherson's, and then over toSafeway to get the rest. She took the requests involving halal meats, to go to the halal butcher, and I took the two others to their apartments.
Afterwards I went to the dollar store to get stuff for someone through the Time Bank, and to Target to see about stuff from another Time banker - the former was successful and the latter not. I picked up cat food and miscelleany for myself.
Home I am napping a lot, perhaps due to Arthur waking me at night, perhaps because I can.
Tonight I attended another Toastmasters meeting on Zoom, which was centered around a project for developing a course of instruction. This was very interesting indeed.
I am gradually clearing stuff out but it's a slow process, partly due to my reluctance to through anything away, partly due to doing so many other things: 4freeCLE, Toastmasters, WPTL, helping out the occasional veteran, gardening, block watch (a little bit), FEEST, the Mask Brigade, and now a morning walk with friends - I don't know when I would have time for work!

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