Friday, April 24, 2020

Friday No Call Back

Grafitti on our walk

I extended the north fence garden about 3 feet and planted the sprouting potatoes and the sunflowers I'd tried to sprout in plastic disposable salad bowls that unfortunately held water after the rain. I'll see if they come up. In the front yard I planted some donor Phlox and lilies in the place where I ripped out a bunch of cleaver using a strange sort of rake I probably got at the thrift store but never used before.
I practiced my speech, cleaned a little, napped a lot. The cats wake me about 4 times a night so I'm operating more crespucular than usually.
The union email suggesting some IM people may be called back to work persuaded me not to sign up for mask and FEEST commitments until after 5. Since I had no call from work then, I went ahead and took two of each next week.
This evening, the Timebank Communications and Membership Committee had another Zoom meeting to finalize our suggest for a TB Mission Statement for submission to the Board. This is supposed to be a key element in applying for grants. It didn't take long; everyone is smart and reasonable, so we hung and chatted. Someone asked about my speech in the contest tomorrow, so I gave it again. It felt much more natural and conversational giving it to all those faces; there wasn't much feedback but I did get a few snickers which was nice, and one comment about taking my glasses off to make my eyes more effective. I appreciated that as it was something I worked on but had not gotten a direct comment on before.

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