Thursday, April 23, 2020

Thursday Miscellaney

When I pulled up to Hannah and Julie's I saw a worm crossing the street. This looked fraught with peril even in this time of low traffic, so I tossed it onto their garden and was rewarded with several minutes of watching it work out how to dive into the soil and get to work. I don't believe I have squatted and watched worms for about 60 years, but it fascinated.
Throughout the walk, houses presented more to see.
Shopping for FEEST
(They won't actually let us buy beer #nofun)
At 10 I did my FEEST shop with Milo and someone whose name I didn't catch. None of us seemed to know why we shopped the Burien Safeway while the addresses were in Highland Park, but what the heck. My two customers requested bulk flour, and of course there was none at Safeway, but I remember what H&J had said about Cash and Carry. It turns out that they have 25 bags that were perfectly fine (although these turned out to be my first cash donations to the program. That's ok, if directly asked I would have contributed $10 or $15.) The amazing thing is the per-pound price of the big bags is better than half that of grocery store bags. This is something to think about!
My zone for the Mask Brigade had no pickups so I had that part of the day off, but late in the day was a sudden request to pick up from the concentration points and deliver to the main center in Greenwood. I carefully mapped out the route, but just before starting, checked email and the special was canceled; the scheduled driver was available. This just goes to show: always do last minute checking!
I did got another Harvard Digital Lab for the Social Science study questionnaire, and completed it. Science!
I read a union email saying that IRS may be calling employees back who are not teleworking. I am expecting I might be called back and resolved to let phone messages go to voicemail so I'd know exactly what was being said, and wait until 5pm Friday to sign up for mask and FEEST shifts next week.
During Reema's Zoom Zumba, I got a call from "ERC" which I thought might be "Employee Resource Center" When I returned the call, it was entirely unrelated; the robot voice was checking to see if my name was "Jacob" or if I knew a "Jacob" who used this phone number etc. I guess someone gave my number when accruing a debt?

Garage Chalkboard

Pansy House

Pansy House

Pansy House

Pretty Snail, Bad For Garden

Telephone pole sistered with extra chunk on top for woodpeckers

Bird House Bench
A 25 pound bag of flour under $7on

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