Monday, April 27, 2020

Monday At Home

After my morning walk (3.9 miles or so according to Google Fit) I worked on cleaning the yellow room and took a class from PLI. I realized I can try getting my precision nutrition lecture in while on the morning drive, so I'll try that tomorrow. Zumba tonight, and catching up on mail.
On the walk, an abandoned greenhouse,
overgrown with laurel
I got a second mailing from Caliber, saying that my new mortgage had been sold to them. I'm not terribly happy about this, since my research had them as having terrible customer service, but I can do nothing about that. I tried calling to arrange automatic payment but the message said to use the website. I tried the website, and it insisted I schedule a payment before setting up autopay. Fine, I scheduled the 1st payment and then set up autopay on the 15th. It said, fine, it'll take the 4/28 payment and then start autowithdraw on 5/15. That was not what I intended at all. I called again and the message said they'd try to contact me but meanwhile I should email them. I sent a calm email stating my expectations; let's see what happens.

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