Saturday, December 28, 2019

Garden Day

There was no class at the Y this morning, so I got right to the business of goofing off!

I do a little yardwork every weekend. This time I trimmed back even more of the periwinkle that is overgrowing the sidewalk. I thought I'd done a bunch earlier this month, but I'd missed a lot.
My trimming involves uprooting a clod near the sidewalk, and then replanting someplace useful. This batch is filling in the worn patch from my drive to my front door. The periwinkle should be tougher than the grass, especially if it has several months to settle in (due to Heather's extra car still being in the drive.)
I also planted some bulbs. 

I'm also having a good time experimenting with different fitness videos. Having the big TV in the living room means I don't have to fuss with my cellphone or tablet. The cats are entertained as well!
My big plan for the day had included driving a bunch of donates to St Vinnys, the VA hospital, etc. However I don't have a carload so I'll wait til tomorrow. I didn't have a reason to drive today, although I did take a walk around the neighborhood and scored a whole bag of trash.

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