Friday, September 06, 2019

The Best Wedding Ever

Biggest wedding I ever went to was planned for a year by a co-worker using her work computer. She was not subtle about it; she was visiting sites during work hours to get the best of everything - and her monitor was clearly visible to everyone who went by her workspace.
It was a really fun wedding too. Everything was perfect, especially the bride who was extremely good-looking and (to be frank) way out of the league of the perfectly nice but underemployed groom.  When they'd moved in together they'd given away a futon that had become surplus, and I had a chance to chat with him a bit. His interests - whether artistic or employment related - didn't seem to align with hers, but I just assumed that it was true love, which is a thing that can happen.
There were a couple of odd things at the wedding. One of the guests was one of her ex-boyfriends, who was there at her invitation and without a date. He was determined to show that he was a good guy and supported her. IIRC he left very drunk.
Another thing I can't talk about much was meeting someone who I knew from way long ago who was the second gay person I'd ever met. He was obviously still not out. He knew I knew and for a moment there was in his eyes a look of shock and apprehension.  What can you do? There really isn't any way to say "Don't worry guy" in public that wouldn't just make things worse for him.  I nodded and said how happy I was to see him after all these years, and we have not spoken since. I hope he is well.

As for the bride: couple of years later she's with another guy. It may be just by chance that he is much wealthier and better looking and she met through work.
I believe that she just wanted to have a wedding. The business of marriage was not really for her, but she really enjoyed planning the show and being its center. Too bad she could not have simply hired an actor and not hurt the fiance

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