Saturday, August 16, 2014

Step 2 Saturday:Replace negative thoughts

Imp lost her toy in the garden
Today was step two of How To Be Positive:
Replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Look for a bright side in every situation. We will find that there are surprising benefits within them. If we do this long enough, it will become habitual
Kris is not necessarily a bad person in herself, but most if not all of my thoughts about her lead to negative things, so I am trying to get through the day replacing those with positive thoughts. Goodness knows I have a lot of positive things to think about.
Rising with the sun, I drafted an initial proposal for VAF and the VAPS Medical Mall project and printed two copies, one for Cyril, one for DAV 23 Commander. I hoped to get feedback from them before passing on to other participants, but the DAV meeting was pretty full and I'll have to think of something else.
Off I went to Saturday morning at the Y. Barb was substituting for Trucker Molly, who was on vacation. It was a good, steady workout with weights; she seems to have a gift for encouraging us to go a little farther until my limbs are actually shaking, and then the count is done and I'm glad I didn't quit. Indeed I am glad I didn't quite.
Coming home, I chatted briefly with Kris although I don't recall about what; she noticed the Saturday paper was not there and I took the opportunity to clarify her subscription preferences; she wants Saturday and Sunday. I had put it all on hold the night she called the police, figuring that if she really wanted me to leave I didn't see why I should pay for the paper, but if we are back to relative normal, I can accommodate her wishes in that regard; I just don't need to be present when she reads the paper. It's not a positive thing for me.
I drafted a quick proposal for the Veterans' Day Parade Trip for CLC Inpatients to show Cyril but I don't think he read it. I think it's o.k. to pass on as is, and better to get it going than delay.
I picked some berries to give Rene' when I picked up Cyril. While doing this, I noticed one of Imp's toys among the plants; obviously she had batted it or carried it outside, and then forgotten it. It's my photo of the day.
The berries seemed to please my friends very much so mission accomplished I guess. The DAV meeting went well, with a lot of business transacted. When I dropped Cyril off, he gave me some tomatoes from his garden and they were excellent!
Home again I was tired from having stayed up way to late last night, so I napped, and did a few phone audits. By smell I guess that Kris may have been cooking something but I'm very happy with my salad.
I guess I wanted an excuse to get out and walk around the neighborhood connecting, and happily,
Whose Dish?
I found a dish left over from the Neighborhood Night Out, and I couldn't remember whose it was. I went to Wendy and Marcia's - not theirs. They let me see the flooring they were putting in and we chatted about whatever. Atty has a lot to say these days!
I walked down to where Lucy's parent live and petted their dog Porter while asking about the dish; not theirs.
Next to Charles and Company - they were having a little get-together on the porch but he talked wit me a while - not his dish.
I went home and then had an idea - it's a collapsible dish so maybe it's hiking gear. I went to Maureen's and knocked; she was very polite but it's not her dish. I enjoyed talking with her anyway.
My next step is to email it around - surely it belongs to someone.

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