Monday, June 01, 2020

Nest, Flowers and a Post

See The Nest?
Roses from Laura and Alex's
Yesterday I took another look at the bird nest Hannah told me was in my tree. It really is interesting, and a lot of it is dryer lint. I started to walk around the block for air, and there were Alex and Laura and their kids gardening. I told them about the nest and they gifted me with roses they were pruning, reminding me to use the petals when they fell to make simple syrup. Excellent neighborhood!
Today I had my morning walk with Hannah and Julie, then did chores (and, honestly, napped) until it was time to shop for FEEST.
The news just keeps getting worse and it is hard to post something positive on Facebook because it seems so trivial. I resolved to do so anyway just for my health or to spite the fascists, but I preceded it with a quip:

Worst Rioting Since 1968
+ Worst Economy Since Great Depression
+ Worst Pandemic Since 1918 = MAGA!

Many of my friends and some of my family liked it, often adding comments. One Chad started going into excuses why it's not Trump's fault, and I just was not interested in debating the point - what a waste of time. Since it was MY post, I have the right and the power to delete comments, and I deleted that one. I messaged him why and he called me a fascist and unfriended me. I comments on my post:
 I have or have had friends and family all over the political spectrum. While I expected Donald Trump to be a disaster as president - and was not mistaken - I know we have had disastrous presidents before (W's invasion of Iraq comes to mind) but throughout we could always talk things over with the opposition on matters of joint interest, such as peace in the streets, prosperity at home and public health. Trump won't do that: he encourages violence on the streets, plunders our wealth and refuses to do his duty to take nationwide measures to fight the pandemic ... and Trumpists still defend his misconduct. I am no longer interested in hearing their rationalisations; I've heard it all and it is worth less than cow dung - because cow dung can fertilize a field.

Just now I shut down one friend who argued that none of this was Trump's fault, he is just the helpless victim of the Chinese or something. I am done trying to reason with people like that; I'm willing to remain friends but I'm done with this sh1t. I messaged him I was not interested, he unfriended me. He unfriended me, not the other way around. If I was not going to let him garbage up the conversation he did not want to have contact with me at all.

He'll just have to live without my pretty pictures of flowers, and I'll have a little more time to help fellow patriots save our nation

Well that got 19 likes so I think I hit the spot! I'm sad he made that choice, the more so that he has a wife or child who works in the medical field and got infected. I'd hoped maybe that would help him re-examine his fealty but I guess not.

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