Thursday, June 04, 2020

Meeting Day

In the morning I met Hannah (rhymes with "Donna") and Julie for the usual walk. I saw a collection of wooden bears.
At noon was the WSBA/WPTL program on El Salvador. Because I am so used to producing these programs (but this time was merely supporting Dwight through the process) I had neglected to actually sign up for the thing and therefore had not link. Fortunately the signup process went pretty quickly, and I was able to get in having missed only the first couple of minutes.
Immediately afterwards was a Zoom meeting for WSBA Section leaders, part of a series about improving Section workings generally. This one was specifically about technology.  I feel this was quite successful and I set a report to WPTL's leadership:
Hi Anne And The WPTL Crew

Today there was a Section Leader Zoom meeting on the topic of serving our members with technology. Here's my takeways. 

WPTL is used as an good example, and in particular last month's all-day program.

Many people find Zoom a better than a phone call for EC meetings and the like. This provides helpful visual nuances are helpful, and saves time because it's easier to tell who's speaking, and documents can be presented, reviewed or worked on.

Some sections (Lo Bono and maybe Solo/Small Practice) are hosting zoom roundtables for members to come and talk things over; 1 hour with little agenda. Ppl seem to enjoy it and we get to know each other better. It's good for networking.

The On24 tool for webinars can't be used after 5pm because it requires a WSBA staff member.
However, if we want to have an event that goes into an evening using another tool (e.g. zoom, or a law firm's videoconferencing solution) the staff will work with us on meeting the requirements, such as proof of attendee signin.

Some sections have active listserves, mostly for talking about their practice.
Others have very limited utilization. I mentioned that we'd tried getting conversations started but it just didn't seem to work for us. Some use Slack for working on a project, and Trello for project planning.

There was a lot of  enthusiasm for intet-sectional collaboration, and talking over collaboration with each other more generally

We may just have to accept that virtual meetings are the norm now and for months to come. They have advantages for people geographically dispersed
There were also calls about an issue with a hospital employee, which gets complicated fast. I may have to attend a meeting Monday.

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