Thursday, January 19, 2017

Open Sections Night

This evening I staffed the World Peace Through Law Section's table at Open Sections night, an annual or semiannual WSBA ritual inviting new lawyers to meet and mingle with representatives of our Sections. The intent is to improve the new lawyer process by connecting young (mostly) attorneys with sections relevant to their practice. It's a good recruiting tool for the sections as well.
For the World Peace Through Law section, this is a challenge, as we are not practice-oriented. New lawyers are, for the most part, focussed on getting their careers rolling, not improving the world. Still, it's helpful to introduce ourselves and I always have good conversations.
It's also one of the few times that Section leadership can get together informally and network. I regret having to skip Zumba for the program this time, but I enjoyed the conversation so it's all good.

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