Sunday, November 22, 2020

Weekend Update

 Friday started with another fine walk; Saturday I walked only briefly, delivering food to the various little free pantries and depositing a chck from some sort of class action litigation; Sunday I walked again and was happy to see that the16th Ave pantry was empty. I refilled it with what I had (mostly oranges - for some reason, I can't get enthused about oranges. I'm eating at least 3 pieces of fruit a day but not oranges.)

My walk today include at least 16 blocks of jogging at least 40 paces (full two-step paces) which was just enough to get my heart pumping but not my body complaining. I think I can keep this up until I'm in shape to take it to the next level.

After walking, I did a full round of madfit, christine khuri and yoga by kassandra, but also put on some cat tv for Ginny. There are times where she or imp make their wishes know about it!

Saturday night was our fortnightly DnD session; Sunday was Codenames. I'm learning to adapt to some social gaming which is nice especially in Covid time.
Sometime during the weekend I met via zoom with Alice and another about a replacement for Alice's annual holiday showing of The Polar Express. Obviously that's not practical now but she was thinking of some sort of scavenger hunt, in which players would go places in West Seattle and take selfies. I can help some but I need to be clear of my limits.

Satuday I had signed up to be on a panel for TM D2 but I forgot and didn't do my daily planning until the panel was way over. I apologized of course, but what I really learned was to do my daily planning early every day. Let's hope I retain that learning.

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