Saturday, April 04, 2020

Saturday Journal

Imp Watches Yoga From A Safe Distance
Saturday 4 was the Toastmasters Region 1 District 2 Division D International Speech contest. I served as one of the timers. Since my computer does not seem to have the horsepower to support Zoom backgrounds (without super strange special effects) I was the other timer, which suits me fine.
I enjoyed the contest and the contestants were skilled. I saw consistent issues related to speaking on a laptop, notably
  • Directing the speaker's eyes
  • Glasses that both reflected light unhelpfully and concealed expressions
  • Difficulty working with crowd reaction, since there is no crowd.
I can now better appreciate why professional speakers like to work with an audience.
It is easy to lose track of the days, which makes journaling even more important, but easy too to let things slip. I am writing this Wednesday 4/8(!) so I don't recall whether I actually attended the Saturday Virtual Zoomba by Reema, but I'm pretty sure I did because I sent her a small donation sometime that week and she sent a thank you on the 4th.
I enjoy the virtual zumba; it's not as good as an in-person class but it's better than youtube videos because I have more of a sense of being with people. This makes me happy, and also less likely to goof off.
Ed has been promising to work more on the garden but he is distracted by other things and never does, after the first day or two of busting sod. I don't really care but I am concerned that he seems to be meeting with people as he works out the business with his landlord's mold. I am not getting a sense of urgency about fixing that problem; he says the landlord has the money to pay for it so I don't see why she doesn't just hire someone and set a timeline. I need to be a little more insistent on a plan. He's not much trouble other than the risk of bringing in COVID and the general annoyance of having someone around, but I need a plan.
Rhubarb Growing Multicolored

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