Sunday, August 05, 2018

Carless Weekend

I intended to go without using my car one day this weekend but it turned out I got by both days using other means. This morning I made a list of things I wanted to accomplish - basically, prepare for the workweek, prepare for Neighborhood Night Out Tuesday, and make one improvement in the basement. It worked even though it was frankly too hot today. I had a bag of apples to process from the two trees, so I had Alexa play "Wait Wait Don't Tell Me" while I sorted and sliced, freezing some and making a pie. It all worked! I tested the grill by picking up some top-quality stuff from Meat The Butcher and was pleased with the results. I also got my usual salad and fruit from Lee's Market. For my project, I cleared out a box which turned out to be clothing I'd set aside for years. Most of the t-shirts still fit; the plain ones went into stock and I took pictures of those with sentimental value - such as the souvenir of Kevin's ukkemi class. I am resolved to get to bed on time so I start the week refreshed. Doing that may be the hardest part of the weekend for, just like a child, I don't really want to go to bed haha!

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