Saturday, June 07, 2014

The High Points of the Nostalgia Trip - Bare Mountain WNEC (WNEU) Law School Reunion

Saturday June 7 I drove to the Notch and went up Bare Mountain. This has always been a good place for re-creation: the paths are only barely improved enough to make hiking in sneakers practical. It makes me sweat but not hurt. I can sit on a rock and see into the next state, and realize that I really enjoy this stuff.
That evening was the law school reunion at the Basketball Hall of Fame. The canapes and the meal were excellent - certainly some of the best commercially prepared food I've ever had. The important part was meeting classmates Jocelyn (who teaches at WNEU) and Lisa Bongiovi (who is a muckety-muck at a big technology firm - this is not surprising.) There was also a Sandy Cohen who insisted I was confusing her with Amy Cohen, which is possible, and Lynn Scull, one of Jocelyn's former students. who basically represented her class and ate at our table with some people from 1974. I had a nice talk with my favorite Jurisprudence professor, who congratulated me on continuing to do my social justice stuff, and I guess I did have a lot of line items in that regard. The slideshow featured a lot of class pictures that I had taken that went into the yearbook that Lisa had edited (in addition to law review and being at the top of the class - she is indeed a Type A!) This was so much fun that I'm afraid I'll have to just plan to do it again in five years!

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