Friday, September 13, 2019

Relentless Positive

I wasted entirely too much time these past couple of weeks with Leo's attempt (partly successful) to involve me in his snit with Ron. It started with Leo asking me on facebook to join in on his thing for organizing trips for veterans to go to DC to see the monuments. I have never criticized the concept but it's silly; if you are going to invest time and money on veteran's issues, tourism should be lowest on the list - but to each their own, I say. And if Leo gets a trip out of it - whatever. 
Anyway - there was a problem with Leo's fundraiser at DAV 23. I was not a part of the argument since I'm not an officer - all I did was show up at the usual time, have the usual lunch which was served this time by Leo instead of the Auxiliary Ladies - and throw some cash in a cannister, I don't really recall which one.
Leo said that bad stuff happened which was Ron's fault. I considered the story he told me and what I had seen, and suggested to him that because there was nothing in writing except a few memo lines on checks written to DAV, it was smart and correct for Chapter leadership to take the most conservative approach to giving him money. Leo argued the point and eventually I gave up.
Then I got an email forwarded to me that had been sent to about 30 people (but not me and not Ron) in which Leo argued his case and accused Ron of theft. That email was forewarded to someone who forewarded it to Ron who forewarded it to me, and I replied to all with about 12 careful points, trying not to be disparaging, but pointing out that Leo was not doing things the right way, any screw up was a team effort and let's just move on. A couple of people replied supporting me, one guy replied saying I should be silent because I was in the Auxiliary (I replied privately to him that I don't need his permission and anyway the issue stands as it stands so who cares?), and Leo tried renewing his conversation with me privately via email. I took one or two more attempts at trying to make Leo see reason but when he told me Ron had asked him to be Chapter president I concluded I was wasting everyone's time and I had to just stay away from the pointless negativity.
I posted this message on facebook and tried to follow the plan. So far so good!

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