Saturday, August 31, 2019

Barre, Burien and Spider Plant Babies

Today I started with my usual Saturday morning Barre Basics class at the West Seattle Fauntleroy Y. It is an excellent chance to build fitness; I have measurable improvement in strength particularly in my legs and core. Today it was also a chance to talk with a couple of people before class about the gender balance of classes at the Y: men consistently make up less than 10% of the attendees at Barre and Zumba. I see a more even balance at spinning but otherwise: where are the men? Nobody could say. It's not like men don't care about fitness.
Around noon I went to the Burien Library for Toastmasters officers training. I'm the Vice President Education for my club this year and it was helpful to chat with my opposite numbers at other local clubs. To men it seemed more useful to network; our new area director Nagash seemed open to the idea of multi-club, area party (since our Club has been slow this year to organize one). 
After doing the weekly grocery shopping I spent the rest of the day doing maintenance. I'm trying to move on a lot of stuff through Buy Nothing Highland Park. The most popular item is the spider plant babies which don't really free up much space but is fun to do!

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