Sunday, April 10, 2016

Glasses adjustment

I feel today was very fortunate. I located a lot of good materials for the online store set them up for shipping before bed. My housemates suggested we do milkshakes at Full Tilt, something I never think to do on my own, but was always turns out to be worth it! But the greatest piece of luck may have been whacking my glasses while lifting some heavy boxes. This is through the glasses so out of shape that I absolutely had to go to an optometrist to get them adjusted. The adjustment went swiftly and without any problem, and they would not even charge me the result was like getting new glasses. Frames had gradually bent over the years and really had not been quite right for a long time, but I had not thought see if there was an optometrist at the Alaska Junction, but course there is! What had started out as an unfortunate accident turned out to be a fortunate adjustments I'm sure there's a lesson to be learned from that, if only I knew what it is

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