Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Chard And Strawberries Snuggling In Our Yard

Chard and Strawberries
Seem to play together nicely!
Today I saw that the white strawberry I planted last fall is flourishing under the chard I started from seed around the same time (give or take a few months.) Both survived our mild winter quite well and are leaping into spring, but at different heights. They seem to take the sunlight at different heights and seem to be playing together nicely. 
I take a leaf from each chard plant about once a week, sometimes cooking it in soup, sometimes eating it raw in salad. The strawberries feed us on a different schedule; I'm looking forward to making a salad with both ingredients.
The economics work out well; the chard came from a packet of seeds, and I could have grown the strawberry from an inexpensive packet of bare roots. In this case, I was impatient and bought a small plant for a few dollars; I don't regret this because we got yummy strawberries within a very short time!
In addition to the food, these plants are nice to look at and a much less work than mowing grass!

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