Friday, December 17, 2010

Dreaming of a White (Center) Christmas

White Center holiday Lighting
Xmas lighting in White Center
at 16th and Roxbury
The Wednesday, we were thoroughly pooped from a day of work; instead of preparing a home-cooked meal, we put in more time insulating the house. So it was easy to justify trotting down to the Triangle for a pitcher and a couple of Bee Sandwiches to share.
(The Bee Sandwisch is a truly magnificent take on the Philly Cheese Steak-and-dip, named after the cheerful waitress Bee who invented it. Or so I am told.  What  I am sure of is that they are very tasty, and really too big for one person.)
As we three (The Lovely Wife, the Mother In Law, and I) relaxed, there was a commotion outside. And behold - the tree and the Dr. Seuss-ian artwork at 16th and Roxbury was lighted!
It's a joint effort of several White Center groups - and much appreciated!
Happy Holidays!

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